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Summer Sleep: 6 Super Ways to Improve It

If you’re looking for ways to improve your summer sleep schedule and routine, then you’ve come to the right place. This is the season of higher temperatures, longer days, and very busy schedules. If you’ve noticed a dip in your sleep there are simple solutions that can help make your environment more comfortable so you can get the much needed sleep your body needs to function at its best. Let’s check out six simple ways to improve your summer sleep so you can enjoy this season

summer sleep

Problem 1: Warm Room

During summer, high temperatures can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. The warmth can lead to restlessness and discomfort, disrupting your sleep pattern and leaving you feeling tired and irritable the next day. To combat this, it’s essential to create a cooler sleep environment.

Summer Sleep Solution: Cool it Down!

Start by ensuring your bedroom is well-ventilated. Use a fan or air conditioning unit to circulate air and maintain a comfortable temperature for summer sleep. Additionally, opt for lighter bedding materials such as cotton sheets and blankets. These materials are breathable and help regulate your body temperature, preventing overheating during the night.

Problem 2: Longer Days

With the arrival of summer comes longer daylight hours, which can disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle. Increased exposure to sunlight late into the evening can trick your body into staying awake longer, making it harder to fall asleep when bedtime arrives.

Summer Sleep Solution: Make Changes to Your Sleep Environment

To counteract this, invest in blackout curtains or blinds for your bedroom. These block out sunlight and create a darker environment so that you can fall asleep more easily. If blackout curtains are not an option, consider using an eye mask to shield your eyes from light. Additionally, reduce exposure to blue light from screens (such as phones, tablets, and computers) at least an hour before bedtime. Blue light suppresses melatonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep, making it harder to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Problem 3: Inconsistent Sleep Schedule

During the summer months, it’s tempting to stay up later and sleep in due to the longer daylight hours and relaxed schedules. However, irregular sleep patterns can disrupt your body’s internal clock, leading to difficulty falling asleep and waking up feeling refreshed.

Summer Sleep Solution: Stick to a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for maintaining good Summer Sleep hygiene. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This routine helps regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycle and reinforces your internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

Problem 4: Dehydration

During the summer months, it’s easy to get dehydrated, which can wreak havoc on your health and your sleep cycle. It’s important that you keep hydration at the top of your priorities.

Summer Sleep Solution: Stay Hydrated

During summer, it’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. However, reduce fluid intake close to bedtime to minimize the need to wake up during the night to use the bathroom.

Problem 5: Stress

Stress can impact your sleep cycle during any part of the year. However, for some people, the summer months may bring on about some additional stress due to vacation planning or making new arrangements such as finding childcare. It’s important to reduce your stress so you can maintain quality sleep.

Summer Sleep Solution: Practice Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate relaxation activities into your bedtime routine to unwind and prepare your body for sleep. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or gentle yoga stretches can help calm your mind and promote relaxation for better Summer Sleep.

Problem 6: Stomach Issues

Summer means a time of barbecues and other food-related gatherings. You may be eating different foods than your body is used to during this time, which can make it difficult to digest. Digestion can also impact your sleep quality.

Summer Sleep Solution: Choose Sleep-Friendly Foods:

Your diet can also influence your sleep quality. Opt for light, easily digestible evening meals.  Avoid heavy, spicy, or acidic foods close to bedtime, as they can cause discomfort and indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

By implementing these practical tips, you can help yourself get better summer sleep. These small adjustments can go a long way toward helping you enjoy a restful nights and wake up feeling refreshed and energized throughout the summer season.


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