Japanese women are known the world over for the splendor of their skin; clear and smooth, radiantly healthful, alabaster in color. The Japanese call it Toki. Rediscover youthful radiance with Toki, the collagen supplement that replenishes skin from within.*
NOTICEABLE RESULTS IN AS LITTLE AS 45 DAYS: In just 14 days you may notice better skin tone, hydration, and resiliency. And in just 45 days skin texture may appear smoother and tighter, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles may be diminished.*
Your results may vary and depend on your dosage choice.
Directions: Mix 2 scoops (6g) with water, your favorite beverage or yogurt, 1 to 2 times daily. For maximum benefit, take 3 times daily for the first 30 days, then twice daily thereafter. For best results, take at mealtime.
As Seen On

Continue reading below to learn what scientists discovered about beautiful Japanese women.
And how you can try it – 100% RISK FREE!
Japanese women have the most flawless skin you’ll ever see!
They enjoy a special drink that helps replenish their collagen levels deep down in the foundation of their skin, where wrinkles start. And you can too!
-Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D. Nutrition and Beauty Expert
Dear Friend,
Old, wrinkled skin …
Ugh! It’s the ONE thing every woman fears. Because it’s hard not to show your age when your face is dry and wrinkled.
However …
That’s NOT the case for women in Japan, who for centuries, have avoided the aging skin problems other women around the world endure.
Yes, they are envied the world over for their smooth, clear, porcelain-like skin that gives Japanese women their legendary beauty.
In fact, it’s called “TOKI”… and it means “skin like a porcelain doll.”*
Wouldn’t that be great to have!
Well, a few years ago, I stumbled upon the work of Japanese researchers that revealed how any women can achieve similar youthful-looking skin. And I could hardly believe how simple it is!
What they found is truly astonishing! Even better, now you can benefit from this Japanese beauty secret here in America! Yes, the one they use in Japan!
Hi, I’m doctor Linda Page. And I hope to change your life today! I hope to improve how you feel about your appearance, and change what you see when you look in the mirror.
This is how women in Japan keep their skin looking perfectly smooth…
You won’t believe how simple this secret is… You see, two or three times a day, every day, thousands of “toki” women in Japan with perfect skin, pour two scoops of snow white crystals, mix it with tea, fruit juice, or water, and literally drink their wrinkles away.
That’s right! This special Toki mixture helps make their skin flawless by helping replenish collagen deep down in their skin base for firmer, more youthful skin from head to toe!*
I know just how powerful it is because I used it myself. And each day, my lines and wrinkles disappeared a little more. My skin tone got clearer, the texture was smoother, and my age spots faded. My husband and friends noticed too – and let me tell you, their compliments about my skin made me so happy!*
Unlike a cream, Toki delivers easily absorbable, vital collagen, Hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to your inner layers of skin via your body’s blood supply.
Toki works deep down where creams and lotions can’t go!
Your skin works much like a tree rooted in the ground… If the roots are not healthy, or not getting needed water and nutrients, the whole tree will suffer.
For your outer skin to LOOK great, it MUST rest on a strong, nourished and moist foundation of sturdy, resilient collagen. This gives you the springy foundation for firm, smooth and wrinkle-free skin… regardless of your age.
The problem is, as you age, your skin’s underlying collagen base grows thin, dry and weak, causing your skin to sag, and wrinkles to appear.
The collagen and other skin-nourishing nutrients in Toki are delivered through the bloodstream directly to the underlying dermis, where new skin cells are formed, and old cells are nourished, giving you a strong foundation for healthy, youthful-looking skin.*

Each serving of Toki contains a whopping 3000 mg of collagen peptide. Plus two more key ingredients… hyaluronic acid and glucosamine.
Toki works from the inside out, helping to deliver these vital skin nutrients deep down to your skin layers where wrinkles first take form.
As these nutrients are absorbed into your aging skin, your cells literally spring back to life, and the skin all over your body becomes fresh, young and resilient again.*
It can become softer, moister, firmer. And it develops a fresh, healthy, natural glow!*
And as I mentioned, the first key ingredient in Toki is collagen peptide. Collagen peptide is an important, key building block of your body. It’s what makes your tendons elastic, your ligaments strong and your skin firm and resilient.*
Without collagen, your body would simply shrivel up and hang from your bones! It’s what plumps up your tissues and skin and keeps you pliable and healthy.*
In fact, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s found in muscles, your bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system and tendons.
It’s what gives your skin strength and elasticity, along with replacing dead skin cells.
When it comes to your vital tissues, in simplest terms, collagen is the “glue” that holds your body together!
You might recognize collagen as a common ingredient in your favorite body lotion or face cream.
But, I hate to tell you this… Collagen in a cream or lotion can NOT help your aging skin.
Your body’s collagen production naturally begins to slow down as you age. This is why you notice signs of aging, such as wrinkles, lines, sagging skin and dry patches.
Wrinkles and old looking skin
And other lifestyle factors — like a high sugar diet, smoking and too much sun exposure — also contribute to depleting collagen levels, and aging skin.
Regardless of the reason, we ALL lose collagen, and we ALL pay the price.
The good news is, deep down, your skin is eagerly waiting for a new collagen supply to undo this loss and damage! And once you supply it, it CAN bounce back and reward you with skin like you had as a young woman!
Yes, your skin needs more collagen to look smooth and beautiful like you need air to breathe …
As your collagen production declines, you’ll notice it physically becomes looser, dryer, patchy, with more wrinkles and less elasticity.
So it only makes sense that increasing your collagen levels deep down in your skin can help your skin look firmer, increase smoothness, and help your skin cells renew and repair like when you were young.
A study was conducted by the Department of Dermatology at the University of Kiel in Germany, and published in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology…
It investigated the anti-aging properties of collagen, and found that 2.5–5 grams of certain collagen peptides used among women aged 35–55 once a day for eight weeks significantly improved skin elasticity, skin moisture, dryness and skin roughness, all with no side effects.
That’s why collagen is the ONLY perfect, natural skin care ingredient available!
BUT… Collagen ONLY works inside, at the cellular level. So a collagen based cream does you no good, as it simply sits on the surface of your skin.
Your skin needs collagen INSIDE… And that’s what Toki Powder give you… A fresh supply of collagen right where you need it!
Who is the Mom… Who is the Daughter?

Toki Makes it hard to tell
Gayla Brewer has three kids, a full-time job, and skin that makes it impossible to believe she is 50+ years old – thanks to Toki!
“Toki really makes a difference. Not just on my face (though that’s the most noticeable) – but the skin all over my body just has a smoother, nicer texture.”
“There are fewer discolorations and fine wrinkles. And those little lip lines, the ones that give you a ragged edge when you put on lipstick? They’re gone!”
“I will never stop using Toki. When I run out, I notice. It’s such an amazing product!”*
Join Gayla and let people assume you are much younger than you really are with Toki!
Testimonials reflect the personal experience of one person. Individual results may vary. Some individuals received free Toki as a thank you for their testimonials.
Not only is each serving of Toki loaded with 3000 mg of absorbable collagen peptide… You also get several other key, skin-nourishing nutrients, including…
Hyaluronic acid, and glucosamine, which is a hyaluronic acid precursor that’s good for your skin and your joints.
HA is found throughout your body, but is especially concentrated in your skin, joint fluid, and cartilage, where it helps cells capture moisture and lock it inside to keep thirsty tissue healthy, hydrated and resilient.
Toki also gives you vitamin C, which helps boost your own natural collagen production and helps guard every cell in your body – including sun-sensitive skin cells – against free radical damage.*
In addition, each single-serving of Toki contains 250 milligrams of calcium – a nutrient that every woman needs every day. (And this is not just any calcium – it’s the #1 bone-building calcium, AdvaCAL®.)*
Healthier Joints TOO with Toki… You bet!
Of course, Toki can help dial back time to when you looked your very best. But there’s an important added benefit most Toki users are also grateful for… Better joints!
Toki contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and calcium, which are ALL VITAL to support joint health also! Here’s how…
- Collagen helps form not only the foundation of young, healthy skin, but also the cartilage that cushions every one of your joints!*
- Hyaluronic acid is one of the principal components of synovial fluid – the natural shock absorber inside your joints! Having more of it can make a significant difference in your joint health and comfort.*
- Glucosamine and calcium provide exceptional support for healthy, flexible joints and strong bones!*
Order now so you can look beautiful and feel young! And remember that if your joints need some added support, Toki can help you there too!*
And finally, Toki contains HAI™, an amino acid from hijiki seaweed to enhance absorption so these nutrients can be delivered to and utilized by the cells that need them most.*
As you can see, delicious Toki allows you to safely, painlessly and easily drink your dreaded wrinkles away!
Let Toki nourish the inner foundation of your skin… where wrinkles start and END!
Unlike creams and injections, Toki helps replenish your body’s natural collagen supply from the inside out, delivering collagen peptide, hyaluronic acid and other vital skin nutrients deep into your skin, where your body can rebuild the collagen matrix that makes your skin firm and elastic.*
When Toki goes to work, the skin all over your body has less lines and wrinkles, fewer age spots and feels firmer, smoother and more radiant.*
And you’ll spend much less time and money on masks, peels, toners, creams and complicated skin regimes.
Who’s right when it comes to rejuvenating your aging skin?
There are many experts with solutions for restoring your skin’s youthful look and texture…

Cosmeticians will tell you expensive creams are the answer. But NO skin cream can repair collagen-deprived skin. It has to happen from inside.

Dermatologists will suggest Botox® shots to paralyze the muscles so your forehead can’t move, or fillers to plump up wrinkles and make your skin smooth. They may suggest dermabrasion that scrapes off the surface of your skin to reveal “new” skin underneath. Ouch!
These treatments may work temporarily, but they wear off, and you’ll have to do it again.
Botox® is a registered trademark of Allergan, Inc. and is used herein for reference only.

Plastic surgeons will suggest a face lift costing thousands of dollars, and may make your face look clown-like.
NONE of these solutions fixes the real problem… aging, collagen-deprived skin… like Toki does!*
With Toki, you’re GUARANTEED vibrant, smoother, firmer, younger looking skin.*
Since Toki was first introduced in the U.S., thousands of women have discovered the joy of younger-looking, Toki skin.
And every morning and afternoon they enjoy a beauty ritual – stirring two scoops of these remarkable collagen crystals into a cup of hot tea or a glass of water.
They love the tangy lemon-citrus flavor – but best of all, they LOVE the way Toki makes them look!
You’ll see that Toki costs more than other collagen products.
And there’s a good reason for this… Toki works. It contains high-grade collagen peptide that is actually absorbed and used by your skin.
If you have used a cheap collagen product in the past with poor results, that’s why.
If you want a skin-smoothing solution that is clinically proven to work and make a difference, then it can’t be cheap.
Look years younger in as little as 45 days!
Toki is a marvel of science… and it’s one of the most talked about solutions for younger looking skin!
Written about in countless magazines, Toki has taken the world by storm! And now, for a limited time, you can try it RISK FREE!
The fact is, Toki IS better than other Collagen supplements! Yes, there are many other collagen supplements available, but Toki collagen peptide is backed by solid clinical studies.
Plus, the nature of its unique formulation makes it easily and quickly absorbed, compared to other products that are hard to be absorbed by your body.*
Women Love…
what Toki does for their skin. Just look…

A testimonial reflects the personal experience of one person. Individual results may vary. Some individuals received free Toki as a thank you for their testimonials.
Look in the mirror and
SMILE for decades to come!
For almost every woman, looking in the mirror is a daily ritual…
And for many of them, they simply don’t like what they see… Wrinkles, dry patches, age spots, crows feet, rough looking skin. “OLD!”
When what they really want is that smooth, glowing, healthy, fresh, young-looking skin they had when they were 18!
The reality is, you may not notice the difference from one day to the next, but your skin’s “oldness” is only going to get worse!

Beautiful skin is NOT going to miraculously appear one day… unless you take steps to make it happen.
Toki™ is a sure thing when it comes to restoring beauty and youth to your skin. It is so loaded with collagen that your skin craves, it HAS to begin to look better.
Start now with Toki and see how much it makes you smile every day when you look in the mirror!

Collagen is indeed the secret behind ageless beauty!
That’s why collagen foods and drinks are so popular in Asia. And in Japan, consumers have been eating collagen-enriched dishes for many years.
And it’s not unusual to see collagen-based jams, noodles and candy in Tokyo stores, while a growing industry of “beauty restaurants” serve Japanese people collagen-enriched food.
In Singapore, the MeiRenGuo (Beauty Pot) is a popular dish for young women. Their hot soup has a collagen-enriched cartilage soup base.
And it’s not just Asian countries that are seeing new collagen supplements and foods on the market. Today in America you can also buy collagen candies, collagen-infused salmon broth, and even collagen-enriched gin.
As the demand grows for “beauty food”, new kinds of collagen products will continue to pop up, both in the United States and abroad. Research estimates that the food and beverage segment of the collagen market will boost collagen’s global growth through 2025 by 7%.
And the reason for collagen’s rising popularity… Because it’s the ONE base nutrient that gives new life to your entire body!
Your aging body CRAVES collagen to help it feel bendy, springy, pliable, limber, healthy and young!
But not all Collagen products are the same. Collagen is hard for your body to absorb. However, Toki’s collagen peptide has a great absorption rate.
Toki will help your whole body get a fresh start. But you’ll especially love how it transforms your face from old to young and beautiful again!

See for yourself…
Crow’s feet diminish, dark spots fade and so much more with Toki*…

The Doctor’s Office Said…
“Your skin looks great! What did you do?”
“I’ve been a kick boxing instructor and fitness trainer for the last 10 years. Looking great is extremely important in my profession. Having recently gone through menopause, I started noticing my face was getting thinner and felt like I was losing collagen.
My students kept asking me if I was losing weight because my face was getting thin and drawn. I began getting Restylane® injections from a doctor every 6 months.
A few months ago, two different people mentioned to me that they were using Toki and I definitely noticed a difference in their skin. I decided to give it a try.
On my next visit to my doctor, as soon as I walked in the office, the girls commented, ‘Your skin looks great! What did you do?’ I knew it had to be the Toki.
It was the only thing that I had done differently. I couldn’t believe it! I am sold on Toki and now don’t visit my doctor as often! Thanks Toki!”*
– Denise, Personal Trainer, NJ
Restylane® is a registered trademark of H.A. North American Sales AB. and is used herein for identification only.
Media Support for Toki...

No more creams, needles, scrubs or nonsense. You can drink your skin smooth and beautiful again. Guaranteed.
Being a woman myself, I know the anxiety aging skin can cause! Especially on your face. After all, your face is the first place people look.
Toki is the real deal. This is youth in a glass. This is ancient, effective, no-hassle skin smoothing.
No expensive procedures. No scalpels. No nightly regimen of a half dozen creams that don’t work.
Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. It either works exactly like I say, or you can send it back for a full refund. But I know you’ll love it!

The Proven Clinical Science Behind Toki:
Before Toki was introduced in the U.S., we commissioned an independent research lab to conduct 3 clinical trials on Toki.
In the first study, 40 women ages 35 to 65 took Toki daily for 8 weeks. Every two weeks, they were evaluated for changes in the soft tissue around their eyes, sagging, puffiness, wrinkles and overall facial aging. The evaluation was based on a visual assessment, dermatologist exams, and the participants’ own self-evaluations.
The dermatological review found significantly improved facial appearance after 2 weeks; at 8 weeks, they found reductions in facial wrinkling and aging as well as reduced wrinkling and aging around the eyes. In their self-evaluations, the women noted dramatic decreases is sagging, puffiness and wrinkling around their eyes.*
Dr. Irwin Kantor, M.D., who supervised the clinical trial, reported: “The diminished appearance of fine lines and wrinkles was impressive. I was even more impressed with the fading of discolored spots on the skin as a result of taking Toki.”*
The study was published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association.
- Dermatologist states “Results Impressive”
- In 2 weeks, improved facial appearance
- Overall reduction in facial wrinkling and aging
- Dramatic decrease in sagging, puffiness and wrinkling around eyes*
A second study measured absorption of Collagen from Toki by measuring levels of serum collagen. Hydroxyproline (an amino acid component of collagen) levels were measured and converted to equivalent levels of collagen on day 15 and day 30. A statistically significant increase in hydroxyproline was observed at both times, suggesting a high rate of absorption of Toki collagen peptide.*

A third study evaluated Skin Improvement by researchers at Katsuragi Hospital in Japan. They discovered skin improvements in people who used Toki. In this 80 person study, changes were measured between people taking Toki and people who took nothing. The researchers noted that skin aging was significantly reduced with Toki, suggesting a change in skin properties similar to rejuvenation, along with subjective smoothening and moistening of the skin.*

Put the clinically-proven power of Toki to work for you!
What do other doctors say about Toki…

Once you receive it, take Toki three times a day for the first 20 days, and then two times a day after that! And watch the smooth skin of your youth emerge!
Soon you’ll be excited about what you see in the mirror! Friends and family will notice such a difference that after a few months, they’ll ask you what you’re doing… or if you’ve had some “work done!” It’s up to you if you want to share the Toki secret… or keep it to
Your Toki order is TOTALLY RISK FREE!
Not many companies will offer this kind of unconditional guarantee. But the makers of Toki are so sure that you’re going to LOVE the way you look, that they don’t feel they’re taking any risk in allowing you to try the first 4 jars on them!
With the results women are experiencing, they confidently stand behind Toki 100%!
You have to try it and see it for yourself. It’s truly amazing.
And I agree! I’ve taken Toki myself for months now and I still love the way I look. Try it now! I know you’ll love your new Toki-smooth skin too!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D.
P.S. Quit showing your age on your face! Toki will work deep down to rebuild a youthful foundation. Something no cream can ever. Only Toki can give you the same smooth skin enjoyed by Asian women. Start on Toki ASAP. Order now and you’ll also get Free Shipping.
90-Day, 100% Risk Free Guarantee
See radiant new skin in just 45 days! Guaranteed.
Toki does NOT work overnight! Nothing can. Toki builds from within, and it takes time to tone and improve your skin. For some, this happens in as little as 2-3 weeks. For most people, it takes 4-8 weeks for your new skin to appear.
That’s why we offer a NO-RISK 90-day guarantee! Buy 4 or more jars of Toki… If after using your first 4 jars (45 days), you don’t see a difference in the tone and texture of your skin, you have another 45 days to request a refund on the 4 used jars (plus any remaining unopened jars) for a full refund of the entire purchase price (less S&H)! No questions asked. That’s right… We’re so confident in Toki that you get to try the first 4 jars on us!
With Toki you’re GUARANTEED vibrant, smoother, firmer, younger looking skin.
Toki can help nourish the foundation of your skin where wrinkles begin! The result is less lines and wrinkles, fewer age spots and firmer, smoother and more radiant skin. And you’ll spend less time and money on masks, peels, toners, creams and complicated skin regimes.*
Thousands of women have discovered the joy of younger-looking, Toki skin! And every morning and afternoon they enjoy a simple, easy beauty ritual… taking two scoops of Toki powder and stirring the remarkable, tangy lemon- citrus collagen crystals into a cup of hot tea or glass of water. That’s it!
✅*Yes! I’m done with creams and lotions that don’t work! I am also tired of the lines and wrinkles on my face that are getting worse each year. Please send the following supply of all natural Toki. I understand my reply is 100% risk free and I am backed by your 90-day 100% money back guarantee.