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Why Do You Need Kefir?

Like yogurt and non-aged cheese, kefir is a probiotic food, that means making kefir involves creating a culture of beneficial bacteria during fermentation that helps your body’s immune system and general health*. Other probiotic foods which are also great for you include miso, kimchi, kombucha tea, sourdough bread, dark chocolates, mozzarella, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese and tempeh to name a few. Consuming probiotics regularly and moderately is a good thing!

Second, kefir is so good for your bones and teeth and here’s why: If you pour yourself just 3/4th of a mug of kefir, you are meeting 20% of your daily dietary calcium requirement! So much in so less, could one ask for a better way to deliver goodness to the bones?

Then there is protein with which kefir is loaded. If you serve yourself just 100 grams of kefir it will deliver 6 grams of high quality, lean protein and this  translates  to  about  20%  of  your  daily recommended protein intake. Such high quality protein will have two other benefits – One, it will keep you feeling fuller for longer and two, it will help you develop lean muscle very effectively and quickly!

Low, low and low on calories: 100 grams of low fat kefir will keep you low on the calorie count – it will give only 48 calories and so you can fit in more of other foods in the day if you are watching your total calorie intake.

Next, dietary phosphorus. Kefir, is an amazing source of phosphorus so important to your body.  Do you know that a single serving of kefir will deliver as much as 140 mg of dietary phosphorus!

Next: Compounds in kefir help cleanse intestines and also help with bowel movement by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Kefir can easily be substituted in place of milk as a much healthier alternative. You can make kefir-based smoothies and use kefir in baking cupcakes and muffins. You could also use kefir to dress roasted chicken and potatoes.

There’s one more thing that goes as a plus for kefir and that is you can make your own kefi rat the comfort of your home. If you find commercially prepared kefir harsh on the pocket, find it hard to run to the grocery store just for kefir or just plainly because you want to control the quantities you buy and consume or have a say in the preparation hygiene levels, there is always the option of making kefir at home. Making kefir is low tech, no frills and really easy to do!

Then there is kefir for the lactose intolerant. Just because you cannot hold down milk and milk products does not mean you will have to pass up the health benefits kefir offers. Kefir can also be made from soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut water. Go vegans!

So, have you put kefir on your grocery list today?

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Learn More Information on How Kefiran Can Offer Better Digestive Support*